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Why the need to stir the pot...

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Could anybody explain me why some people on these forums needs to post just to antagonize and get people mad about anything... just for the kicks????

I've noticed some threads were its obvious that the OP is JUST trying to stir the pot and get somebody to fight over something he does no believe or even know about it....

Some people even wear it as a badge of honor!!!! "ha!!! look how many responses I got" or "look how many responses I got or how mad people I'm getting"

Could anybody explain me this???

Hope they don't get that bad in here...

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Could anybody explain me why some people on these forums needs to post just to antagonize and get people mad about anything... just for the kicks????

I've noticed some threads were its obvious that the OP is JUST trying to stir the pot and get somebody to fight over something he does no believe or even know about it....

Some people even wear it as a badge of honor!!!! "ha!!! look how many responses I got" or "look how many responses I got or how mad people I'm getting"

Could anybody explain me this???

Hope they don't get that bad in here...

There is a bit of jib-jabbing going on here now as old friends re-acquaint with each other, this I expected. I hope I am giving the impression that this Forum will not tolerate the nonsense I see on other Forums as far as personal attacks, and the posting of way too many off-topic posts. I stopped by another ol favorite site and can't believe how bad it has become, heard how bad it became, but had to really read for myself.

Like I stated, it'll come at the cost of a few hundred members but as others have stated we'll be about quality not quantity.

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There is a bit of jib-jabbing going on here now as old friends re-acquaint with each other, this I expected. I hope I am giving the impression that this Forum will not tolerate the nonsense I see on other Forums as far as personal attacks, and the posting of way too many off-topic posts. I stopped by another ol favorite site and can't believe how bad it has become, heard how bad it became, but had to really read for myself.

Like I stated, it'll come at the cost of a few hundred members but as others have stated we'll be about quality not quantity.

Were have I seen that before? :rolleyes:

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When the pot stirring is about a product such as a boat or engine its usually people that have a financial interest in the competetors product. Another reason is they think that the money they spent on their choice of product means its the best thing available and anyone that doesn't think the same is stupid.

If you notice the majority of these people ONLY post about that product and will resort to insults and attacks on anyone that doesn't agree with them. And if this person wants to participate in a regular conversation they use another user ID.

Otherwise known as a TROLL.

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The rules here were made very clear up front. If they are enforced equally across the board (BTW, I would expect nothing short of it) then there is no reason to cry.

There is a lot of ball busting going on. There is more button pushing than really needs to be. However, it's allowed. I know for fact I have toed the line and knew it when I pressed the button both to the person and the mod.

Truthfully, politics as we all know are a danger area. This includes firearms of all types. I'm attached to them much more than my boat by a long shot. It's who I am and that's life. However, I can stay out of it providing it's not allowed. There is right and wrong and as adults (I think) we were taught to know what's what.

In the other place, boredom has set in. The same old same old is more than common and not much more is available. There are many repeat items that are allowed to turn and burn over and over. If this is boating and fishing then that's the limit. You don't like E'tac then so what. Merc's oh well. You bash for no reason with NO facts that you are able to back up then goodbye for 10 days. Second time 20. 3rd never return. We also know of people posting under many user names. We're not talking about Jersus. (one of the better things that happened) I'm talking about crap stirring that is known to be going on. Have fair rules and enforce them. Pretty basic.

Lastly, I also belong to a very strict firearms site. You post something that is old news. BANG! It's sent off into you looking at the old or deleted. You post a dupe? Same thing. It's not a one man show (no offense) and help is very even handed, strict, and quick by all mods. I've met one of the mods for a FTF and he is really a nice guy (again, not saying otherwise about any person here) but also clearly knows just who to keep tabs on. There is no BS allowed on the main forum. They do have an off topic area but to date I have seen nothing leave the area. I mysely posted a "looking for an item" in what I thought was the proper place. (there were a few) No BS, it was moved with a nice note as to where it went. No pissing or moaning needed.

It may just prove the theory that gun owners are the most respectful people around to one another as well as others. It's what I have personally seen every time I am at the club or on any range. Boaters rather have more fun laughing at a ramp.

It's been a very long day and I'm PUI.

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Could anybody explain me why some people on these forums needs to post just to antagonize and get people mad about anything... just for the kicks????

I've noticed some threads were its obvious that the OP is JUST trying to stir the pot and get somebody to fight over something he does no believe or even know about it....

Some people even wear it as a badge of honor!!!! "ha!!! look how many responses I got" or "look how many responses I got or how mad people I'm getting"

Could anybody explain me this???

Hope they don't get that bad in here...

They want the attention - you said it yourself: they even wear it as a badge of honor based on views or number of replies or whatever. I've known people that just want to try to out-debate you like it's some kind of sport and so they start a controversial topic. They bait you and if you can't ignore it, then they've hooked you and the fight is on.

Best thing to do is just ignore it. They want attention? Don't give it to them. Don't feed the need. I know the words seem trite but most people either won't or can't seem to do it. My favorite is when they start with the PMs. I don't respond. I don't give an inch. Nothing. And I find eventually they go away.

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Having been known to get into a few discussions of differing opinions myself, I will response as long as it is civil. The instant it turns to bashing or something other than discussion, I try to leave it... It may not always work that way, but that is my rule in posting (not that im 100 percent on that). I have never had a problem with PM's. Wiley seemed to always be fair in his moderation and I look forward to watching this board develope...

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