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well, since apparantly NONE of you bothered to read the posting guidelines......


Other Boating and Fishing websites

Reel Boating reserves the right to approve or deny links which lead directly to or link to boating and fishing material or message boards that are not located within Reel Boating.

Additionally, we respectfully request that you do not use our Forums to promote or advertise other boating and fishing websites.

Then this is a good time to give you the link:


I'm going to be so retentive when it comes to these things but I AM going to start enforcing the Guidelines as written once we all begin to settle in.

I'll let this thread continue for a while. Thanks for your participation.

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well, since apparantly NONE of you bothered to read the posting guidelines......


Other Boating and Fishing websites

Reel Boating reserves the right to approve or deny links which lead directly to or link to boating and fishing material or message boards that are not located within Reel Boating.

Additionally, we respectfully request that you do not use our Forums to promote or advertise other boating and fishing websites.

Then this is a good time to give you the link:


I'm going to be so retentive when it comes to these things but I AM going to start enforcing the Guidelines as written once we all begin to settle in.

I'll let this thread continue for a while. Thanks for your participation.

Man, do I feel like an ass now or what....? Wiley kindly invites me in and I break the rules right off the bat.... :753_hammer_hitting_head:

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Wiley I think that most of us are adults here and probably spend time on many forums, if people posting the names of other forums that they frequent is seen as threatening then I think you have underestimated many of your members. I for one found out about your new site because it was posted on another forum, I still spend a lot of time there, and I will spend time here, the two forums are very different. In fact the three forums that I posted are very different from each other as is the reason that I joined. I hope that you continue to be reasonable about this matter because rather than the listing of other forums being a threat I think that ovezealous moderation would be more threatening.

just my $1,000,000,000,000 worth (inflation you know) it is your forum after all. :)

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Well, since it doesn't seem a crime here to be banned from THT, I got banned (IP) for trying to help Alex out with his Hewes project. And they would chase me down!!! I think it was instigated by some of the more "nasty" sort in "the bilge"...or maybe even JAWZ...

Not sure, but I could get about 8 hours usage out of a new screen before I was busted.

Have I learned my lesson? Maybe. A forum is supposed to be an open discussion about all sides of a problem, an issue, whatever. Political or philosophical differences will exist and should be taken into consideration. Decorum and diplomacy should be used. Name calling and ridicule have no place, as that would be childish behavior, which I hope we abandoned as children.

OK, had my say. Yeah, I was banned...and I don't lose any sleep over it! :rolleyes:

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well, since apparantly NONE of you bothered to read the posting guidelines......


Other Boating and Fishing websites

Reel Boating reserves the right to approve or deny links which lead directly to or link to boating and fishing material or message boards that are not located within Reel Boating.

Additionally, we respectfully request that you do not use our Forums to promote or advertise other boating and fishing websites.

Then this is a good time to give you the link:


I'm going to be so retentive when it comes to these things but I AM going to start enforcing the Guidelines as written once we all begin to settle in.

I'll let this thread continue for a while. Thanks for your participation.

'Bout time for a Lowenbrau... :1992_beer_cheer:

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i just posted on that "other" forum for the first time in a year. the point i was making before the thread disappeared (and you wonder why i left) was that no site is "home". most people visit more than one . no two are the same.

that said i am more than happy to follow what ever guild lines you set...its your house and im a guest.

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