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Waxing Non-skid

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I am on the Woody Wax wagon also. I use one of those square plastic paint pads that screw onto the end of almost any brush handle, and then toss the pad into a big ziplock baggie for storage so I can re-use it as it does soak up some of the wax... cost a couple bucks at any hardware store and is a breeze to use. A pad lasts a whole season then I toss it.

The wax coating will not last that long and you will have to re-apply pretty regularly, but as far as keeping the gunk from sticking to the deck, it is totally worth the effort... especially in the fall after the marina shuts down the water.

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Wax on non-skid doesn't make the non-skid slippery until you are cleaning it in your driveway and you fall off the bow of the boat on the concrete. Seriously, a lot of non-skids can be very dangerous when waxed. The ones that come to mind off the top of my head are Seaswirl and Baja. I had a bad experience with a Seaswirl.

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