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Need Help With Long Block Vendors

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I have a friend with a 1999 Mecrusier 305 CID. He discovered a significant crack in the block (water jacket) last week when he fired it up, oooooops.

Anyway, he is in search of a long block. I recommended Jasper Engines because of personal experience and their reputation.

He found a company named Rapido Marine in Hollywood Florida and they are $1000 cheaper.

I have never heard of them good or bad.

Any input?


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To follow up on this.....my friend emailed a bunch of guys from NC that did business with Rapido Marine in Florida and everyone had positive comments, so I believe that is the route he is taking. Me personally I would go with Jasper, but I am old school, hard headed and don't always go for the cheapest price.

Thanks for the help everyone.

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jasper engines does a very good job of rebuilding engines...i have been to their plant.....and they have a good warrenty

Want a quality product???? :471_confused_face:

Go with Jasper and don't even consider anybody else! :605_thumbs_up:

ps: before you install any engine in that boat, remove a couple of plugs from both sides of the block and install drain valves.

You already found out why they are needed. :753_hammer_hitting_head:


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