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What was the last "Good Deed for the Day" you did?

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I was launching my bay boat earlier this year and there was a nice couple was on the dock looking around. I could tell they had never been there before and were new to the area. They asked me some questions about the boat and the area and did not seem like serial murderers so I asked them if they would like to go for a ride. I was taking the boat on a late evening test run. They said OK, so off we went.

They had never been out in a boat before so for them to see the land from a different point of view meant a lot to them.

Watching their faces and they saw blue herons, ospreys, egrets, swans, stuff we take for granted as we spend time on the water was pleasing, as simple as it was.

They said, "Thank you" and expressed how much fun it was and left with a smile.

I have never done anything like that before but I have thought about it. Even though I have the correct insurance, it does cross my mind if they were to fall or something and want to sue me. You know, "No good deed goes unpunished". I took my chances and it worked out.

Capt. Jeff

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That was a really nice thing to do. It is sad though that you even had to think about "what if?". Sometimes you just have to go with your heart and do what you know is right.

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