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Send some of that heat up here to Michigan!!! We just experienced the coldest July on record for our state since 1880. More days in the high 60 low 70* range than the usual 70-80+ range. I do heating and cooling work and we still have people calling us saying their furnace isn't working!!. As for business, it sucks. Most of the state, it seems, is either under employed or unemployed. We have a couple decent jobs going so my boys and i are staying goodn' busy. Not a lot of time to post or comment here. Still working for the day I can get a boat to take out on the "Big Drink" as we call Lake Michigan and then talk about it here.

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Yep ~ lazy hazy dayz of Summer.... they're windin' down and soon we'll be wonderin' what happened to them as we start feelin' the chill of Fall.

We've had a BEAUTIFUL Summer here in North Texas and just the right amount of rainfall to keep us mowin' weekly even NOW! Our yard looks the best it ever has and the Bermuda just keeps spreadin'! Ya-HOO!!! All is still green and in full bloom! Couldn't ask for better! :DB) Feelin' very BLESSED considerin' that normally we are in heavy drought mode by now.


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