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Everything posted by farmerjane

  1. Got my very own Ruger LCP 380 Auto ~ Yeah, baby! Nuthin' better than a menopausal woman with a CHP AND LCP ~ HA!!! You have to guess which days I'm 'packin' ~
  2. LUCKY~!!! I just LOVE a good snowfall! Livin' in Texas we only get to see it every so often, so when we do it's a real TREAT - for me at least! I'm one of those that "pretends" that I'm SNOWED IN even if there's only an inch or so on the ground. Thanks for sharin' the pics!! Glad you're power hasn't gone out......yet...? Oh, well, if it does, throw another log in the fire and enjoy! MERRY CHRISTMAS!! FJ
  3. Oh, what the heck ~ throw my name in the pot ~ I could use a new t-shirt ~ Lg. please - thank you!~
  4. Who said Claudia and I aren't too happy about it!!???? Are you kiddin' me!? We're ECSTATIC!! (that means excited AND thrilled) She and I will plan our OWN trip if need be. We're "big girls" - we can do that. Ha! Hey Garett!! Hope you and yours are doin' well!! MISS YA!!!
  5. Yep ~ lazy hazy dayz of Summer.... they're windin' down and soon we'll be wonderin' what happened to them as we start feelin' the chill of Fall. We've had a BEAUTIFUL Summer here in North Texas and just the right amount of rainfall to keep us mowin' weekly even NOW! Our yard looks the best it ever has and the Bermuda just keeps spreadin'! Ya-HOO!!! All is still green and in full bloom! Couldn't ask for better! Feelin' very BLESSED considerin' that normally we are in heavy drought mode by now.
  6. Next time you see your "fishin' friend" tell him a hardy "THANK YOU!!!" He did you a bigger favor than he ever imagined. By the way - he did all of us here a huge favor as well because those pics are PRICELESS and WE got to see 'em here first!! Yep.....I'd take the kids over him ANYDAY~!
  7. Corona Light with a wedge of lime while sittin' outside enjoyin' the sunset ~ One of the BEST beers I ever drank was a microbrewed raspberry wheat ale while on vacation in Pensacola. It was AWESOME!!! Not to mention - it was had while sittin' in an Irish tavern with my family and another fishin' friend ~ GOOD TIMES!!!!
  8. In sickness and in health.......and so it begins ~ CONGRATS on the nuptials!! Oh, well.....look at it this way ~ at least you WON'T forget your anniversary or any of the special memories attached to your wedding day! These are the things that further down the road you look back on and laugh about. Be sure to post some pics!! Want to see how great ya'll looked on your special day!
  9. Ooohhh~~!!! Waitin' to see which one of 'em has the better memory today..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY (a day late)
  10. It's always sad to hear of a fellow fisherman/forum buddy passing.... and prayers go out to his family and friends. We should ALL be so fortunate as to get to go doin' something we love ~ see ya on the other side Aubrey.
  11. Harley ~ because he has the markings of a Harlequin Great Dane......is he a Great Dane? OR......... King ~ like in Kingfish (to go along with the other pets) WHATEVER you name him - he looks to be a GREAT dog!! SO CUTE!!!
  12. Geez.....what a SHOCK! Another one gone at the age of 50~!? I'm startin' to get a little nervous.... RIP ~
  13. Wow~~suddenly, I have this warm fuzzy feelin', knowin' that Snapper Head is "watchin" over me.........oh - nope wait ~ it's just that last shot of bourbon hittin' my gut.....
  14. The "Privacy Act" is an oxymoron ~ look up the term 'private' in the dictionary..... The only things that are "private" anymore are your own THOUGHTS and even those seem to be at risk. We are ALL "out there" for everyone to see, and that's fine. However, come up my driveway uninvited...... I gotta warn ya, though... there are SOME things that might make others go "wuuuuhhh" and are better left A-L-O-N-E-
  15. When we're CLEAR about how many "we" drank the next day....
  16. Hey Guys~ Just want to wish you each a VERY HAPPY #32!!!! Wow.....that was so long ago for me that it's hard to even RECALL ever bein' that age. However, I KNOW that I WAS at one point because I've got stretchmarks and teenagers to prove it! HA!!! I'll be sure to pop the top on a couple this evenin' to each of ya~!!
  17. Hey Fred~!!!! Great to see that you're plugged back in~! I thought that picture of the EMP genterator was actually a picture of your brain ~ I'm sure that's about how it FELT~! So glad to know you're okay!!! FJ
  18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2SWIFT4U ~!!!! Caveman ~ Hale's Bar, eh? .....Let me know where that's at - I may have some relatives that have been holdin' out on me......my maiden name is Hale ~ they might need a "business partner" .....I'm an EXCELLENT drinker
  19. Well.....at least he died doin' somethin' he enjoyed ~ Can't blame a man for wantin' to go out with a bang. He will be missed ~ RIP
  20. Oh Garett ~ you big baby!! Had you been a REAL cowboy - you'd have skipped the freezing. JUST KIDDIN'!!!! So.....King.....how are you feelin' today? Better I hope.
  21. King Smurf ~ Hope by today the mouth is feelin' better and the warm water rinses are doin' the trick. The good news is - this too shall pass and pretty soon it'll all be a distant memory......albeit not a pleasant one. Ha! Garett ~ YES - I DID have my top two taken out.....and YES......... welder is right - a couple of FANGS took their place. I'm keepin' THEM, though!~ They're KOOL~~!
  22. DEAN'S LIST!!!??? ...........Okay......who'd ya have to do? ~~ Uh, I mean- what'd you have have to do to get THAT~? GREAT JOB!!!!
  23. Rick ~ does the phone you have have now have a SIM card? If so, just transfer that card into the new phone and TA-DA! Problem should be solved. All of your provider info. is stored on that little card - it doesn't care which phone you use. However, should this option not work - just take the phone to your local Verizon store and see if someone there might be able to help you out - if you work it right you MIGHT even be able to talk them into just switching phones for you depending on how long you've had the phone. Also, are you due for an "upgrade"? This generally occurs when you've signed up for a 2 yr. contract. After the 2 yr. period you are due for a phone upgrade in which you can trade in your old phone for a new one. In the end - I must say that insurance is really worth the $5/mo. I know this because I was "one of those" that managed to drop mine in a hot cup of coffee.............. Anyway, try some of these options and good luck to ya!
  24. Wow ~ LUCKY!!!! Those are some of the best types of neighbors to have! They love to eat rodents, small birds, frogs, fish and some insects. With any luck at all they will help keep the racoons at bay.... Those eyes speak volumes, eh!? Wow ~ Gorgeous creatures!!! Have fun watching them! FJ
  25. I don't know about the 10 smilie limit rule - but PLEASE LIMIT the use of the term "Pfffffffffffffft~!"
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