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As I type this only 7 new members to go to reach 4000!

:1992_beer_cheer:I'm more excited about getting the good group back together more than the overall amount .

I've actually deleted 20+ "junk" usernames - spammers, duplicates. So technically we're over 4000 but unlike other web forums I choose to eliminate those junk usernames from the system.

It's nice to go somewhere that the uninformed can ask a question or make a statement without being bashed by multiple so called "Friendly boaters"


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And it is no surprise to me looking at the Dock side chat on THT I do believe The Mods have had to step in on many occasions or topics to wash out the jalapeƱo juice in some of there hot pockets :1947_eating_popcorn_and_drinkin gorilla warfare

At least they finally banned Florida Dan over at THT. I saw where he finally found out about RB on the FS forum and was threating to come here. It is good to see a Troll get banned

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