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Less Bashing - - - Take the Higher Road

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My great grandfather told me that when the sun shines it shines for everyone

This is my opinion . . . I hope that some of you will share it

I subscribe to many forums . . . I will never limit myself to just one . . . each has its strengths . . . each has its weaknesses . . . I will continue posting at other forums . . . and I hope to visit here and learn

I believe that if this forum is to do well, you have to stop bashing other forums and slapping each other on the back about it . . . there is no need for all of this bitterness

I also believe that the sooner you stop bashing other forums, and the sooner you start posting good questions and providing useful information here on reel Boating, it will be Reel Boating that benifits

Wiley has always been a stand-up guy for me and I appreciated that

I hope that I will learn from this forum as I have learned from the other forums

Please take the upper road . . . stop bashing . . . make this a useful and enjoyable boating and fishing forum

I supported THT when I joined many years ago and I will continue there

I will support Wiley and this forum with the hope that it becomes a strong healthy forum . . . heck I will even buy a wheel or rudder or anchor so that Wiley can upgrade the server :rolleyes:


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I'm being a bit loose on Moderating posts etc here during the re-acquaintance period but will begin to shape the forum and it's members in a few days or so.

Some may not like to see their threads moved or deleted but I am serious about making this a positive and productive forum - with a bit of fun as well.

For the most part everyone here has been positive.


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I belong to a BBQ forum. Yes I like to q and smoke cigars. The owner's TOS is ridged. No politics no sex jokes no misbehaving no bashing of any member and he runs it with an iron fist. Amazing how if you want to stay how well everyone gets along. You never have to worry about opening up the forum at home or work(god forbid I would do the later). No avatars or sigs that could get you in trouble. It can work I have seen it for three years.

The politics and member bashing ban works great to keep the board calm.

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I would like to weigh in. When, and if, I have responded to a post either in a positive or negative fashion it has been fashioned on FACTS. I truly hope that on this forum that if an individual presents a response to a question or statement that it be based on a verifiable and documentable factual information and not just his or her OPINION, often rendered absent any manner of verification.

Reference to said factual statement should, hopefully, be part of the post. Too many responders often make statements that when

subjected to factual analysis turn out to be devoid of legitimate and verifiable facts. Hopefully this board will not evolve into one that the loudest shouter wins. Let us stick to FACTS and when those facts and/or opinions are legitimately challenged the poster can back up his or her post with a VALID reference. Let us rid ourselves of those windbags that have no way of authentication of their opinions or statements.

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