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Less Bashing - - - Take the Higher Road

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Hello Gus

and all

Yes, it always has amazed me especially at work that people would write negative things in emails and memos that they would never say to someone's face.

My Mom used say (and I think there was a TV show with this being the first line in the theme song) that "Its better to light a candle than to curse the darkness"

And Dad used to say: "Zdrowie zon i kochanek - oby sie nigdy nie spotkaly!" :1992_beer_cheer:

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I have to disagree and here is why

I personally don't give a crap as to which threads get the most posts . . . for me that is not important . . . I come here to talk about fishing and boating and not to wade through all of the political insults and personal attacks

You say . . .

If ya use yer brain a wee bit, (I know that is very difficult for some), and ponder the number of views of those very engagin', (n' very irritatin' ta some posters here: obviously), threads on all the boatin' sites you would find the most views, (by a very wide margin) on the very topics you fellers are so quick to want ta bannish.

You seem to be saying that if we don't want to have all of that political crap and racism and hate here that we have little brains and don't have the ability to use them

It is posts like yours (unfortunately) that end up in name calling and disrepsectful

You don't allow someone to steal your personal property even if the other person says that you are restricting his freedom . . . sooooooo . . . why should posters have the freedom to insult others, and almost all political posts end there . . . after all that is what you seem to be advocating

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Hello Gus

and all

Yes, it always has amazed me especially at work that people would write negative things in emails and memos that they would never say to someone's face.

I totally agree . . . those who insult and bash the most hide behind false names rather than standing up and being known by their real name

It does not take courage to hide in the dark and throw grenades at other posters

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I am going to begin ratcheting things down here nn the Forum next week. I already see a few instances where things may get out of line if not corrected.

I'm all for fun as much as the next guy and we will have fun here. But first and foremost I want a great reputation in the marine industry - we will all benefit from it.

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Methinks Singapore is the place fer many of you freedom hatin' fellers, or maybe Cub'r or Venezuala or some such, (where ya go ta jail or worse fer offendin' the wrong party who happens ta be in power at the time ya happen ta offend).

I, (fer one, n' maybe only one), vote fer freedom, an unpopular or at the very least unvoiced minority opinion on this particular thread.

Me over price (n' likely very unpopular) $.02. JR :)

Couldn't understand most of your Twain-ism but I assure you off-topic posts will not be encouraged and political type posts not tolerated.


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For some reason it still amazes me how people will bash a product and not know what they are talking about. And of course the most bashed item on the boating forums is the E-Tec. A new guy on the other site asked opinions on the 150 E-Tecs and 150 Yamahas on a cirtain boat.

And wouldn't you know it someone heavily bashed the E-Tecs right off the bat. The OP asked for opinions, this I understand. But what is so hard about posting about your actual experience instead of what you think reality is based on twisted 2nd and 3rd hand information.

I of course had to respond but I see my responses getting very thin over there.

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I have to disagree and here is why

I personally don't give a crap as to which threads get the most posts

I see you like to express yerself strongly and with profanity......... ("crap")

. . . for me that is not important . . .

I guess you also try to decide what is and is or is not important fer others.

I come here to talk about fishing and boating

Why don't ya do just that........ no one is stoppin' you from typin' at all.

and not to wade through all of the political insults and personal attacks

"Insults n' personal attacks" ya say.... n' jus' what are ya doin' here???????? Ya ever have the occasion ta look in the ol' mirror???

You say . . .

You seem to be saying that if we don't want to have all of that political crap and racism and hate here that we have little brains and don't have the ability to use them

Hmmmmmmm......... were did ya get the "HATE" n' "RACISM"? That is certianly not somethin' I said or implied in any way shape or form. "Little brains" yer sayin'? Ya talkin' 'bout me single functional brain cell??? Me thinks yer cornfused, n' very angry. Can ya stick to direct quotes, (not made up stuff), when yer werkin' yerself up into a big tizzy???

Are you a mind reader? I talked about personal freedom of expression, and how some want restrictions of said expression. Didn't think it was that cornplicated, I knew it was a minority view.

It is posts like yours (unfortunately) that end up in name calling and disrepsectful

Did I call you a "name"???? State where please. Was I "disrespectful" to you? Where was that, (I don't think I've ever met ya, or directly engaged you)????? It seems ta me it is you that lacks self corntrol here.

You don't allow someone to steal your personal property even if the other person says that you are restricting his freedom

Whaaaaaaat..........??? "STEAL PERSONAL PROPERTY"????? You really werk yerself up into a lather with extremes don't ya? I NEVER SAID THAT. I can see why you would like some sort of padded play room with very strict corntrols, n' penalties. I prefer personal responsibility fer one's own cornduct, n' try me best to practice what I preach.

. . . sooooooo . . . why should posters have the freedom to insult others,

"FREEDOM TO INSULT OTHERS". Where did I ever say that? You seem to take insult from comments not intended to insult at all, just intended to spur thought. Do ya like to think?????

and almost all political posts end there . . .

I can see where political discourse or any type of challenging, thought provoking discourse with you could sure end up that way. That is why there is freedom to engage or not engage. One must know their own limitations and the thickness of their own skin. Yers seems real thin ta me, (jus' an observation from yer angry werds here); not readin' yer mind.

after all that is what you seem to be advocating

NOPE I'm not "advocating" anything of the kind. That came off yer very own keyboard, NOT FROM ME. I may have a simple mind, (one functional brain cell n' all), but please stick to readin' me exact werds not me simple mind, as ya jus' can't do the mind readin' stuff very well at all.

Some like freedom, some don't. Simple as that.

Respectfully, JR

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