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Everything posted by BoatDude109

  1. They still make this boat in it's conventional drive set up. The boat does ride a bit more bow high with the conventional set up but not much difference. If you are worried about logs and the pod drives, shafts / struts and props on a conventional drive are not cheap and they are just prone to being destroyed when you hit a log. Pods are designed to shear off and close all openings to keep a water tight seal if a severe collision was to take place and although not cheap could be cheaper that replacing all the underwater gear on a conventional drive. I do not know if the system truly works and hope that I will not have to find out. Pros and Cons to every system we just have to accept which one we choose. The ZF pod drive system is still in development but always keep in mind that ZF is found in almost all areas as a leader in drive propulsion systems so you should be able to find maintenance through a dealer. I have run the Volvo IPS as well and can say that it is a very well thought out system and truly a leader in this technology. CABO also runs the ZEUS system and it performs very well on the 40 model. Both the ZF and ZEUS technology need to catch up with the amount of horsepower that can be thrown at them, which is where Volvo has currently got them.
  2. The 36 CABO now comes in ZF pod drive config. You can throw CAT C7, Yanmars or Cummins as examples. The ride is good but like any boat, if you put it in certain situations it will ride better or worse. CABO will have a pod drive boat at the show.
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