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Everything posted by Gabriel

  1. Their body is hollow, which keeps it on the water surface. As you jerk your rod the lure pops along the surface using its concave head which in turn throws up bubbles and splashes which makes this lure very deadly for bass indeed. The idea behind the lure is that to a predator fish this type of lure looks like a distressed fish.
  2. Surf fishing. If you’re looking to catch big fish on a day-in, day-out basis, you head to the ocean. That’s where the behemoths live. And, while you can catch such monsters in-shore and off-shore, in the bays and backwaters, and off piers, surf casting is the most fun.Surf fishing actually gets better at night thats when the bigger fish like to feed and they are more agressive.
  3. Saltwater fishing is a complicated and demanding sport, especially when it is undertaken on a do-it-yourself basis. Most people who participate in this activity do so as a result of growing up in a coastal community where fishing is a tradition.Atlanta is 277 miles from the nearest body of saltwater – and can hardly be classified as a coastal community. In the past, learning about saltwater fishing involved a lot of reading, asking questions, and a lot of painful trial & error. Under these conditions, it can take years for someone to become proficient enough at the sport to really achieve a sense of enjoyment and satisfaction.
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