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Posts posted by Grunt

  1. The largest Casino in the Western Hemisphere (Foxwoods) is 20 minutes away. I have not been there but their museum is apparantly worthwhile especially for kids. A relatively "cozier" but also huge Mohegan Sun is nearby also.

    As described above....Other than the (living) Seaport Museum (check it out on line) there are plenty of great restaurants and shops in the village. I also second the aquarium (right at the exit off 95) esp. for kids.

  2. To get Hummingbirds you need a humming bird feeder, sugar (1part) and water (4parts). They are very agressive and its fun to watch them dive bomb each other.

    To get Bluebirds it helps to have bluebird houses on your trees. They have to be the right size and correct distance from the ground (see info on the internet). Since they are Thrushes (I think) they probbaly eat bugs and worms mostly and not seeds.

    Both these are seasonal in CT but probably year round where you are.

    We have had a pair of wooducks hanging aorund the trees this spring and our "rarest" (hardest to see but easy to hear) bird is the Pileated Woodpecker - a foot long and he tries from time to time to land on out suet feeders that we put out for the woodpeckers and nuthatches (eat upside down) and such. Chickadees are our most popular winter bird I don't know if they get that far South.

    We have found they like the black oil sunflower the best and throw the other millet and stuff on the ground. So we only use that - I don't think we lost and birds because of that.

    You will definately get other birds with the seed packet suet cakes (there is a type that will not melt and get all mushy in the summer).

    I may start summer feeding as the local bat population seems to have disappeared and hopefully the birds can do some skeeter patrol duty....

    BTW, locally In the nonsongbird family....Red Tailed Hawks have gone from almost extinct to commonplace in my lifetime. You now see them along the highways where the Turkey Vultures used to lurk. Our Mairna is a winter hangout for Blad Eagles - and last summer some even stayed for the summer....Our neighbor's goldfish pond attracts Great Blue Herons and other long necked marsh birds

  3. OK..I'll bite...where are you and how much do you have?? :1992_beer_cheer:

    Up here in Eastern Connecticut. Actually did have several brewskis with the meal yesterday. And it was at the boat so the ambience may have tainted my tastes. We are having Florida weather today - so come on up and we can crack open a few cold growlers of the local brew! :1992_beer_cheer: Yesterday was a record breaking 91 inland (still cooler here near the shore) but today may get into the high eighties everywhere!

  4. OK - I tried it yesterday. Let me begin by saying I think White Chicken Meat is about the most tastless grass like food invented. Even sauce, skin on, and salt can't save it. I would rather eat yogart or granola - both which I have told my kids to shoot me if they ever see me eating that stuff. I do like the regular KFC stuff but its a bit too too fatty and salty tasting even for me.

    Well, the KFC grilled stuff is much better than any grilled chicken I have ever had (my marinated slow crocked/grilled barbecue legs and thighs are almost as good). I would rate it EXCELLENT - 5 stars. Even the white pieces are juicy and edible - but no where near as good as the other pieces. So I figure they gotta inject the stuff with fat sugar and salt and chemicals. I don't know if they do, but for you people that believe in this nutritional crap they try to sell us, I found this..

    "The difference is in the nutritional numbers. KFC says each piece of its grilled chicken has 70 to 180 calories and four to nine grams of fat. By contrast, the Original Recipe items have between 110 and 370 calories and 7 to 21 grams of fat, depending on the piece. The grilled chicken contains from 160 to 440 milligrams of sodium per piece, as opposed to 290 to 1,050 milligrams of sodium per piece of Original Recipe chicken. (Read "A KFC to Give the Colonel Indigestion".)"

    So I guess its still not as "healthy" as your homemade versions but really, I recommend you Try it ! I was so surprised I htought I owuld share this with you all ... Enjoy....

  5. Worked as a Chemical Engineer for 30 years - Also worked for our State emissions program and among other things, had to answer inquiries and complaints about ethanol. In fact, we developed fact sheets on the subject with most of this information. This is a very accurate and well presented article as far as I can see. Thanks

  6. Don't do it -Its a scam!!!

    I did everything they said - I was supposed to get 2 million - I only got 1.2 million! ONE POINT TWO! I am pi$$ed. It was delivered in person by this very horney 25 year old gorgeous tall thin brunette girl (please don't ask me how I know that she was horney....)

    I am thinking about reporting them -- should I ??? I feel bad because of the relationship I developed with the delivery girl....


  7. Hello Gus

    and all

    Yes, it always has amazed me especially at work that people would write negative things in emails and memos that they would never say to someone's face.

    My Mom used say (and I think there was a TV show with this being the first line in the theme song) that "Its better to light a candle than to curse the darkness"

    And Dad used to say: "Zdrowie zon i kochanek - oby sie nigdy nie spotkaly!" :1992_beer_cheer:

  8. Hello

    I am LI Sound Grunt from THT. Bought a Hydrosport 2800WA back in 2002 so I could be like Wiley. Have a smaller trailerable more reliable Wellcraft now. My Carver 28 Voyager Cruiser was on land storage all last season. Good to see some of the older names from THT. Retired Engineer/Bureaucrat now substitute teacher. Got some real valuable boat, home improvement and car repair advice from THT over the years. So - lets see what's happening here..... with Wiley at the helm, it should not be a dissappointment. Now to find how to clip a picture - is there a way to go right into your computer?

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