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Posts posted by pmagrady

  1. We need comments in regard to a new revision to National Standard 2. This revision is the next step by the NMFS to take away our rights to fish.

    Please take the 30 seconds it will take and let your voice be heard.


    The new revision to National Standard 2 would force the Councils to follow the Annual Catch Limits (ACL) of the Science and Statistical Committees (SSC) (yes the same ones that say there are no Snapper left). It would take away their discretion in rulemaking and leave them with no ability except to set regulations as per the ACL.

    How would this work? Example for Red Snapper - Even if the Magnuson Stevens Flexibility Act is passed, the Council would still be forced to recommend total closure and the Secretary of Commerce would be forced to sign off.

    Our friends at Pew, EDF and the other antifishing organizations have hedged their bets and set us up again.

    Thank you.

  2. Which Ipone/Ipod touch app does everyone here like the best?

    To do what?

    I don't think that was a trick question.

    But I think what the OP was asking is What is your favorite Iphone app. Period

    There are what, 50 thousand Apps? I thik of them as tools and I don't have a favorite tool.

    The app I use most id the calendar.

  3. When I purchased my boat in 2007 it came with Raymarine's E120. I was coming from boats that had Garmin GPS and Furuno fish finders. The last being a Furuno 585. I was pleasantly surprised that the Ray fish finder was as good or better than the Furuno. The GPS / chart was alos excellent. Raymarine's customer service has been responsive and completed repairs as quoted and on time. So far so good.:605_thumbs_up:

  4. I personally like the blue color, but that's why it's my favorite color...

    My only concern is the red color on the motors in the latter pics. It almost looks as if they used art paint, or spray paint. Maybe it's the camera playing tricks on me??

    By the way, Invincible makes beautiful boats, and would be on my very "short list"; also nice fit & finish!


    I think that that's just the white hull reflecting the red color of the carpet behind the boat.

  5. To late for the Australian fishing trip. The PEW Foundation convinced the Government to close lots of the fishing there. Maybe New Zealand is still open for fishing.

    I have been working on my list. I still have to cruise the Galapagos Islands. I'm sure I'll come up with a few more items for the list.

  6. Townshend was WAY ahead of the beat. Trust me on this one. Good call by the way.

    That was Ringo's kid on the drums.

    CBS was the network. One of the CBS shows is CSI. The WHO's "Who Are You" is the theme song for CSI.

    Hmmmmmmmm, me thinks there is a reason for those geriatric rockers doing the 1/2 time show. It was sooooooo lame.:2215_asleep:

  7. I posted this over on THT, my Blog and my Face Book page. We need your signature and we would like you to email this to all your contacts. We need this petition to "go viral" on the internet. Here is what I posted and emailed. Feel free to copy....


    Even if you don't fish, you probably know someone who does. Please read this and forward this to your mailing list. We need your signature and we want this request to go viral on the internet. If you have a web page or Face Book page or some other form of social media, please post this.

    As some of you know I have been working with the Central Florida Offshore Anglers and several other clubs and organization for some time to fight fisheries closures by the South Atlantic Fisheries Management Council (NOAA) that we feel have been based on inadequate data. The SAFMC has now on the East coast from the Carolinas to Key West) closed Vermillion Snapper from December-March, Grouper from January to April, has an interim 180 day closure on Red Snapper that began January 4 with a option to extend for another 180 days and has a proposal for a total closure of snapper for an undetermined amount of time which some say may be 20 years or more. In addition to this there is a proposal to stop all bottom fishing because of the potential that a snapper may be killed as by catch and they are looking at closing other fisheries from mahi-mahi to amberjack to seabass and more.

    I have fished on the Florida East coast areas since 1995, off Daytona, Port Canaveral and Sebastian Inlets. I maintain a first hand knowledge of the health of the fishery and fully supported the restrictions for minimum size and catch. These past measures have worked to the point we are now almost overrun with Red Snapper off our coast.

    I contest the data being presented that shows the fishery to be in decline as being significantly flawed. If I felt that the fishery was in trouble as we did many years ago, I would advocate the current new restrictions, but they are not needed. These closures are having a catastrophic economical snowball effect in the State of Florida, from tourism dollars, to tackle and bait shops to charter Captains. The biggest impact will be to our way of life as citizens of this country. I support is our right to be able to go out and fish, have a good time and eat what we catch in a reasonable recreational component.

    WHAT can you do to help:

    Go to this website- read the information and sign the electronic petition. We are asking them to rescind the current closures and fix the science that is used to make these decisions.


    FORWARD this mail to everyone that you know and ask them to do the same. Open the attachment- print it and share with others.

    I appreciate your taking the time to read this, making an informed decision to sign the petition and passing it along to others that feel the same way.

    Patrick Magrady, Treasurer

    Central Florida Offshore Anglers

  8. Thanks for the update Tim.

    Ironically, we are covered up in snapper and grouper off the east coast (Port Canaveral area). Those that can get out on a nice day can't get away from the snapper and grouper. We are now targeting Cobia, but we have trouble avoiding the nearly "extinct" snapper and grouper.

    The fishing clubs here are putting together a petition asking for the Feds to fix the system. I will be posting a link where you can get an electronic copy to send via email to your friends and family. The idea is to have the the petition signed by everyone, regardless if they fish. We want this to go "viral". I'll be asking for your help shortly!

  9. I can't get over the fact that your wife stopped to look at a boat! To me that is like my Dr telling me that I need to eat more bacon and drink more beer! Are you sure this is not a Jedi mind trick?

    Happened to me one time. I want on a Canadian fishing trip and my wife went to a boat show. She found one she liked. When I saw the "green light" we signed the papers and paid the man.

    On the other hand, before you write a check, check the price against others. Also since it's the lay out she likes, look at other similar brands. Have fun shopping!

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