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My Turn

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  1. wiley, have you sent PMs with order codes?, the other thread ( http://reelboating.com/forums/?showtopic=938 ) implies that we can now order..........
  2. You're dead on about that Greg, once kids start acting out real bad at age 10 or so there is no stopping it.
  3. I am in too. Been meaning to buy one for over a year, this just makes it sweet!
  4. Personally I think threats are not the way to engage and train your kids. It is all too easy to make a threat that you can't or won't back up. This trains your kid to believe they can get away with whatever inappropriate behavior and the only consequece is they have to listen to your hollow threats. What I try to do is let him know in no uncertain terms that certain behavior will not be tolerated, I do this by applying appropriate punishment with no "advance warning" or threat. And no, I am not a child beater, in fact my 15 year old could probably kick my ass. If I think the situation warrants a warning, I give him the silent icy stare. he gets the message every time. Maybe I am lucky but my son is extremely well behaved for the most part and is a straight A student in school.
  5. Back to the original question, I would like to see an autotether group buy.
  6. First Reelboating group buy? I'd be in.
  7. Frankly I am suspect of almost any story the main stream media reports as it relates to legal use of guns. How do we know if the bad guy was saying stuff like "I'm gonna kill you" or "hurry up or you are dead" to the person he was holding up.. How do we know if the clerk was getting all nervous, craping his pants and fumbling the money and the situation was getting tense. We don't and won't from stories in the general news media. they will slant a story any way they want and won't let facts get in the way. In the mean time I am giving the guy the benefit of the doubt and calling him a hero.
  8. Good for him, God bless him and I hope for a speedy recovery. This guy had guts. Too bad there was not a guy like him on scene when other massacres went down. I often wonder what would have happened at a place like VT if a trained armed good guy was in the classroom.
  9. I do like what they have done with the sandbar lately though
  10. 23 Steiger Miami with Honda 225 Fishing Lakes Erie and Ontario for Salmon, Steelhead, Walleye, and Bass
  11. 1) where's the new Sandbar 2) This thread is useless without pics 3) Anybody have ethanol problems 4) Angler boats any good? - my derailment contrib Thanks for doing this Wiley, hope it takes off and becomes a hull lot better than the other place
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