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Everything posted by seagull22

  1. Was close on my prediction of #88 winning, but I can just see him being in that pile up on one of the last few laps.
  2. Who DAT. Think the Teams were equal, Payton out coahed Caldwel, he knew that the 4 point differential would be a killer in a shoot out and had to keep Peyton off the field to start the second half.
  3. Favre was so beat up, that he did not want no more of that, saw a white jersey open and slung it out there in usual style, but may have not have had quit as much zip left in the old arm. Who DAT!
  4. Of course Saints all the way, but it aint going to be easy. Will have to see which Saints offense shows up and hopefully the D stays tough.
  5. WOW, what a game for the home team. Can not believe a pro team threw in the towel with so much time left, almost 6 min., especialy the Patriots.
  6. Brees was on target and the Saints D was on fire.
  7. My fortune came in yesterday: There is a fixed deposit of $24.5m usd in my bank branch (Hang Seng Bank,HongKong) where i am a director and i am ready to share 50/50 with you if youchoose to stand as my deceased client's next of kin. if interested mail me atthe address below: ming_yang700@web2mail.comYours Truly,Ming Yang.
  8. That time out may have been a big attitude and game changer. Felt if the Saints could hold the Dolphins below 40, that they had a chance, just knowing how fast they are capable of putting points up and that is what it worked out to be.
  9. Lets see what the Saints D can do with Henne, he was throwing with some good zing against the Jets.
  10. Haven't watched the Weather Channel in a long time, as long as my internet has a connection, can get all the weahter I need and then some, while they talk garbage.
  11. Caught part of the episode, showed that they do not just sling out line and spool in big fish, fish has to be worked with the big winch, at least the live ones. Still has the usual drama like the other shows.
  12. Does it have that Prime Start Auto ignition system like my 90 hp? If it does, there is an element that heats up and chokes the engine, if you advance the throttle before this thing works the engine will have trouble starting. Have to crank on my 90, it finally starts after you think it will never start and like you mentioned, cranks fine after the initial start up. Do not like this thing at all, was used to my old Johnson 85 hp that cranked with one click of the choke switch, no matter how long it sat up.
  13. Took my Boy Scout Troop on a barrier island camping and fishing trip July 11-12 on Timbalier Island, Louisiana. Some of the boys and parents have never been fishing on a boat much less to one of the remote barrier islands along the coast and now they have been to and seen a part of Louisiana that may not be there much longer. The cut they are fishing in the pictures was caused by hurricanes last summer and if not repaired soon, will cut the island wide open to more currents from the gulf. Here is a link to the few pics taken by me, did not realize till I got home that we had no fish pictures. The boys caught plenty flounder, specks and blue fish. Island Campout
  14. Sully may deliver the eulogy. What a way to end the "Pitchmen" series or they could get Vince. Hey wait, I am 50, maybe I need to see the Dr. soon, as preventive maintaince.
  15. I think Capt. Keith wanted to see if the traps were going to get iced before deploying the tarp. I think it would have been easier to move the tarp later, as I have done not to get things wet when rain is expecteed.
  16. Was watching it the day that "agony of defeat" guy ate it on the ski jump ramp.
  17. For got to note that they were defending their title from last year's competition.
  18. My title should have read "many weekends with", help coah a local NRA Youth Hunting Education Challenge Team and this weekend was the Louisiana state competition. The Terrebonne Parish NRA YHEC team we coach won the Jr. and Sr. division at the state level and will now travel to New Mexico and compete at the National level.
  19. This one is local for Souteast Louisiana, but also has other weather links: http://weather.lumcon.edu/
  20. Just ask them, all them people standing behind you with white hard hats on.
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