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just out of curiosity

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I hear them term blown powerhead all the time, what exactly is considered a powerhead? if a 1 out of 4 cylinders has no compression does that mean a complete rebuild is needed or can a new piston and rings be installed if the wall looks good?

Powerhead is the power producing part of an outboard engine. Like a small block chevy with the transmission and engine accessories removed.

You can do a 1 cylinder rebuild in some cases. Should you in my opinion? No. All four pistons and rings are not a bank account buster.

Throwing four new pistons in a 2-stroke without determining what caused the problem is foolish. What causes most 2-stroke problems you ask? Lean burn condition. Neglect that fuel system and you'll toast the newly rebuilt powerhead in short order.

Check the oiling system as well...


LOL...Here's a video of a powerhead doing it's stuff (wow...videos, not all boating forums have this nice little feature)

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Disclaimer: I am not even a good shade-tree mechanic..... I can troubleshoot a bit, though.

There are a number of things that can keep you from having compression on one cylinder, including but not limited to:

1) stuck ring(s)

2) heavily scored cylinder wall

3) blown (seriously blown) head gasket

4) hole in side of cylinder

I would think that the second two would be easy enough to determine without tearing much down. The first two may take a look inside the engine with a scope or head removal. I would definitely look at all possibilities and engine history before removing important pieces.

I would would call a hole or mangled large metal pieces a "blown power head". I don't know what a mechanic would consider a blown power head. It is a fairly loose term on the boat forums.

If you have 0psi compression on one cylinder, I would be suspect of other issues (carbs for one). I would find out why there is no compression before deciding on my course of action. If it is a stuck ring, you MAY be able to free them without opening the engine. If you have to take the motor apart, I would go over it with a fine tooth comb and replace anything that I felt could be a weak link. There is no point in tearing a motor down and not replacing a few dollars worth of parts while you have the chance to maybe save some effort later.


While any of those motors should work fine in my boat, I think that I NEED that 3.3L!!! :wub: I love the sound of a well built motor (before it breaks!)

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Can I reuse these???




Again, I'm not a mechanic. However, I think with a little emory cloth that piston will be almost like new. I doubt that you were seeing much compression loss before you pulled that one out. It looks like one of those new asymetric multi-hemi pistons that use partial rings to keep the compression from getting too high.

If I'm wrong on that guess, then I am certainly glad that didn't come out of any motor I've ever operated :2261_high:

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