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Posts posted by emudryj

  1. You boys should see the hard work and fine rigging this guy has done. Very clean and nice. He impressed the hell out me and Im a picky ###### :605_thumbs_up:

    So Emanuel, lift up her skirt and show the boys the goods!

    Thanks for the compliments... and thanks for the survey...

    I'm just a rookie at this boating thing but I like to work on boats and do things right and only once... 9 months working almost every single weekend and lots of long, hot and humid weekends... and lots of sweating and blood in it too.

    I'm buying the parts now to address you suggestions... I'll start a new thread with some pictures on the rebuilt....but here are a few pictures from baitkiller's survey..

    The console was kind of messy that day, so bear with me....

    I have some knowledge on working with electricity, so that was my forte.

    Keep in mind that this was my second time rebuilding this boat... so I learned lots of things from the first time doing my wiring... for example... to put transition points on the cabin and at the stern.... so if I ever need to change a pump or anything I do not need to run the whole cable again...just the ends

    On this rebuild a learned a lot about working with fiberglass, resin, awlgrip and gelcoat.








  2. Well. I recognize Chris' boat, the one in the middle...and I notice HE DON'T HAVE NO BIG ANCHOR HANGIN OVER THE BOW!! Man, get rid of that big hook and those babes will mosey on up a little closer!! :605_thumbs_up:

    I know that for some people may look Ugly... I thought that too for a moment, but now I love how it looks!!!! and after using the windlass a couple times I like it even more... one of the best money invested on the boat... no more pulling lines, dirty decks, yelling to the wife or being yelled by the wife...

    On top of that the lack of chicks on my boat it's a SURVIVAL thing.... a defense mechanism...

    Who do you think was behind the camera making sure I do not screw up!!!! LOL

  3. Here is a dumb question, do those led's attract fish or just wimmins?

    I did it more for the looks than for the fishing, but I can tell you that when we were at the ramp dropping some friends, there was a humongous tarpoon that was very interested on the light... they hang around the ramp waiting for the left overs of people cleaning fish on the fish cleaning table right next to the ramp... so they are very trustworthy.

    Maybe Chris know more about the fish attracting power of the lights...

  4. yeah,,,,,how about the pic's............... :504_shrugging:

    I do not know what is going on... I hosted the pictures on THaT other site yesterday, and they showed fine... now I'm at work and I only get to see the more important picture only... the one with the chicks :605_thumbs_up::605_thumbs_up:

    Seriously... could anybody guess what is going on????

    I need to learn to post pictures on this site.... let me see...

    Edit: Ooooookkkkk this is weird... as soon as I loged in the other site, all the pictures showed up here!!!! what gives...????

  5. Guys,

    You know, whatever anyone says, it's great to see 2 EXCELLENT 302s on the water. Hat's off to you, they bring back many a memory... :1992_beer_cheer: :1992_beer_cheer:

    One for both of you.

    Thanks.... now that you mention it... last 3 weekends I've seen at least one Scarab every time we went out (without counting Chris')

    3 weekends ago was a 1993-94 with E-tecs from a guy named George, last week a 2008 with Yamis 4s at John Lloyd and this weekend was a late 90'ish with Mercs.... They seem to had been quite popular around this area...

    Chris: We really liked the "going out late on Saturday and staying late" thing, so maybe we can repeat it, and take a picture one boat next to each other at night with the UWL on...

    And the chicks.....

  6. Emudryj,

    It's the bow rails. You've got a later model 302 than Chris does, right? Chicks love those low bow rails... :471_confused_face:

    And what Welder said.

    But wait, the chicks aren't under the T-Top or the Radar Arch...hmmmm :2261_high:

    LMFAO!!!!!! :2261_high::2261_high::2261_high::2261_high:

    But I dont care... mine is black... and as everybody knows... "When you go black....." LOL...

    BTW... I had MY chick with me...


    but as soon as I turned around she was hanging with another dude...


  7. We had an awesome boating day on saturday... the wife end up working until like 3 o clock on the afternoon so we decided that it was a good day to stay late into the night to try our originals "scarabchris underwater lights"....

    Well worth the wait... they definitely are a head turner... we got most people's attention right away, we stopped at the ramp briefly to drop a couple of friends and 2 different guys approached me to ask for the lights!!!! and then again when we dropped by Shuckers on Biscayne bay, for some food.

    Here are some pictures, let me know what you think...

    This was taken at 7:52, but you can already see the glowing, even though we were just getting in to the evening.


    At the ramp when dropping our friends...




    And... BSing with Chris at haulover... 100 bucks to whoever can concentrate enough and find us!!!! :1143_neener_neener_neener: We have the same POS boat, but for some reason Chris POS seems to be a chick magnet....


    And some pictures of his spreader LED lights... Didn't remember to take some on the water but I took some on the storage. we have 2 on the front and 2 on the back... more than enough.




    Chris, you need to start working on LED sealed trailer lights, just realized that night that mines are busted...

  8. Eddy's Marine Canvas. Very responsible. Did a full tourneau cover as well as Eisenglass, all at my home. 786 399 8915 305 817 3171

    Hey Dsalty!!! I talked to Eddy.. actually he came yesterday to look at the boat and gave me a very competitive quote... He asked me who recommended him to call back and say thanks...

    BTW, he talked me out of the eisenglass.. have you used yours??? do you like it??? did you got wings??

    What is a full tourneau cover????


  9. Having been known to get into a few discussions of differing opinions myself, I will response as long as it is civil. The instant it turns to bashing or something other than discussion, I try to leave it... It may not always work that way, but that is my rule in posting (not that I'm 100 percent on that). I have never had a problem with PM's. Wiley seemed to always be fair in his moderation and I look forward to watching this board develope...

    Hey Cracker.. I never thought that you were stirring the pot or at least never notice it... I know that people feel strongly about some issues, or they are simple passionate about things, and thats perfectly fine... exposing your point of view and respectfully discussing it it's fine... But I've been seeing people starting new threads just to annoy people, like "all cops are corrupt and do not know what they are doing...", or comments like "all of the patrol LEOs only carry a wimpy 9mm" ;) if you know what I mean.

    I can be frustrated at a cop and post a new thread ranting about and exposing my reasons to be pissed at the cops... but also when I post something like that I'm always open to listen other peoples opinions, and see if they went through the same thing... I may be wrong, who knows?!?!?

    But the threads I talk about are more like just fighting for fighting without any reason or cause other than just to pissed somebody else behind a keyboard...

    Gringa and ScarabChris hit it right in the head, I thought that I was the only one noticing it....

  10. Could anybody explain me why some people on these forums needs to post just to antagonize and get people mad about anything... just for the kicks????

    I've noticed some threads were its obvious that the OP is JUST trying to stir the pot and get somebody to fight over something he does no believe or even know about it....

    Some people even wear it as a badge of honor!!!! "ha!!! look how many responses I got" or "look how many responses I got or how mad people I'm getting"

    Could anybody explain me this???

    Hope they don't get that bad in here...

  11. In April's Boating Magazine there is a recommendation to improve AM/FM reception by using a product from Skakespeare. The product is #4357-S AM/FM/VHF marine band separator. Does anyone us this and is there an improvement? While you are at it I welcome other ideas. I live in South Florida, so there is plenty to choose from. I am ready to go satellite radio!


    I had it on my first boat and it worked great... but when installed on the second one, gave me some trouble...

    Basically, if I had the stereo on, and tried to transmit on the VHF, the stereo would suddenly shutdown until i release the mic....

    Just that.. I checked both equipment grounds and it was fine.. the only common connection was the 4357

  12. Ha! I Because I live on the water in South Florida I have no choice but to have Citizens for my windstorm. I pay 3K a year just for the wind with Citizens. When Hurrican Wilma came through I had some minor damage. All in all about 6K total and 3K of that was for some roof damage. The A-Hole Citizens adjuster came out and made me feel good about everything.

    Low and behold I get $368.00 to replace 400 SF of roof! It took over a year of phone calls and a public adjuster to get was was promised, then I had to give a good chunk of that to the adjuster. Citizens are nothing but crooks given legal means to extort money from us.

    Hey !!! Chris I went through the same with another company (southern oak) at the same time....

    Before my story, bare in mind that at that time I was just a brand new first time homeowner, with no experience whatsoever on home insurance.

    To make the story short.

    My roof got 10 leaks, due to the hurricane, so I call my agent to file a claim... the broker give me the foot and send me to do my own work with the ins co.

    Without knowing... I said "what the heck, I'll do it", call the ins co, file the claim, adjuster came, very nice and friendly guy that agreed with everything... 2 weeks later I got a letter denying everything because of "regular wear and tear"

    Not knowing any better... thinking that I was screwed and wanting to move on, I started to fix the roof.

    At the same time, 13 of my other neighbors that had citizens got "NEW METAL ROOF!!!!!!"

    4 years later and with more experience, I learned my lesson and this time around I hired a Public adjustor to handle 2 claims that I have (water damage, and floor damage) best 20% commission I've ever paid......

    They do not fool around.. and the ins co know it... if the claim is valid, these guys will make you whole and maybe a little bit better, even after their commison and the deductible. They know, what to say, when, How, and to who.

    The more you got, the more they get, so they will fight for every cent....

    I do not know if you can still reopen your claim since is old, but if you want to give it a try, let me know and I'll give you the number for this guy...

    Bottom line: common perception is that we pay a monthly premium so they cover you and pay you if you ever have a claim.


    we pay the Ins co, so they can fight us and try not to pay us when we have a claim knowing that most home owners do not know how or what to exactly say when filing a claim, ergo they will find that little technicality to deny the claim...

    So we pay another guy, a Public adjustor, (that knows where and how to hit the ins co) so they get maybe twice the money that the ins co was supposed to give us if they would have paid the claim the first time.

  13. Good for him, God bless him and I hope for a speedy recovery. This guy had guts. Too bad there was not a guy like him on scene when other massacres went down. I often wonder what would have happened at a place like VT if a trained armed good guy was in the classroom.

    Thats my point to the discussion... By baning guns, in general or in some particular places, how do they expect to reduce crime???? the people willing to commit a crime will not care about a stupid law... it's not like they will think..."Hold on, I'm not allowed to carry my gun on that liquor store that I'm going to rob.... I better leave it on the car"

    But the law abiding citizens will follow he law, finding themselves defenseless, when some crook decide to rob that store....

    Proper history investigation and psychological test for applicants, would be a better way to confront this problem. which still does not make it impossible for crooks to get guns illegally, but it helps on selecting better on who is allowed to carry

    Is my point THAT crazy?????

  14. Chris, you can still do the boat thing all weekend. Just takes a little more planning and packing. This season may be a bit tough, but next season you will find that you will develop a routine and it will all be second nature.

    The first year we had my son, every night, we would cruise around Wickford harbor while he had his final feeding - great memories. The boat is the best rocking chair/sleep aid ever invented for a baby.

    Let me know if you have any questions as I did this only a few seasons ago.

    I concur!!!! my daughter got on the boat as soon as she was 3 weeks old.

    18 footer Sunbird Neptune, obviously we only trolled around the bay, but now she loves the boat and the water. I remember that there was this spot between the console and the gunwhales where you can perfectly fit the little egg type baby chair... and as soon as we start running she got sleep!!!!

    Here is one at 2 month at the beer can on haulover..


  15. I've always been on the side that thinks that Law avoiding, responsible, citizens gun owners are a good thing.

    Never understood restrictions to carry your concealed weapon on places like universities, malls, etc...

    Crooks do not follow the law, so by limiting the law abiding citizens to carry on these places, we are only giving some huge advantage to the perps...

    Who know what would had happened if a teacher in Virginia Tech, would have had a concealed weapon, or columbine, or the university on germany...

    Well... we do not have to assume any more, because it happened at a BK on MIAMI...

    Kudos to the guy and I prey for his quick recovery!!!!

    I can not imagine, the legal crap that he is going to have to go thru, and I hope they start some kind of fund raiser for his legal defense... I will gladly contribute!!!!

    I know that a lot of you guys will chime in saying that he took justice on his own hands, and that his life wasn't in danger, and LEO saying how dangerous it is to pull that stunt, and look what he got in return.... BUT AT LEAST IN MY BOOK HE IS A HERO.... and theres one less scumbag less in the world to try to reabilitate....


    1 dead, one injured in Miami Burger King shooting



    One man was killed and another seriously wounded in a shootout inside a Miami Burger King on Tuesday, officials said.

    Police said a man wearing a ski mask walked into the store at Biscayne Boulevard and 54th Street and demanded money from a clerk.

    A customer, who has a concealed weapons permit, pulled a gun, said Officer Jeff Giordano, a Miami police spokesman.

    The customer and robber exchanged fire.

    The robber was shot dead at the scene.

    The customer, who had several gunshot wounds, was taken to Ryder Trauma Center in serious but stable condition, said Lt. Ignatius Carroll, a Miami Fire Rescue spokesman.

    At about 4 p.m., officials got several 911 calls reporting people shot inside the Burger King.

  16. Like I said I don't want to dig into this and was just hoping for someone to come out and help them out. Thanks but I don't want to dig into this on my own.

    I understand you not wanting to get too involved.... I've been on that same situation on the past and its never good for you..

    Do not have anybody to recomend personally, but why don't you try veradoclub.com???

    Even tough your neighbour has an I/O and thats a outboard site, It may be much easier to get somebody from merc in there.

    hope it helps...

  17. I bet they are watching though..... :1143_neener_neener_neener:


    Even tough I do not wish to see them here; I wonder how things will develop in this forum and what actions will be taken for those trying to agitate. :504_shrugging:

    Here we have somebody who cares, and his main objective seems to be productive discussions, no bashing and a sense of camaraderie.

    Obviously “those” “people” intentions were totally against the values intended for this forum.

    With IB it seemed that as soon as it was done politically correct you could do basically anything you wanted, no matter your hidden agenda. If you were able to do it without cursing, you could treat anybody as you wanted. Hope that other considerations are taken in here.

    It was very frustrating to contribute ANYTHING on THaT other site to those sensitive threads, and soon you could see that a lot of the main contributors got tired and stopped adding to the topic.

    I was looking closely to the TNFreebird thread in here, and as soon as it started to go south it was closed, which at least in my book, speaks volumes about Wiley position on these issues.

    On the other side, we had a Suzuky-E-tec thread started by Kerno, and to make it “worse” it was about FLAWS on these two engines…. Against all odds, the thread went smoothly and points of view and experiences (no FACTS) were shared with the upmost respect and education among everybody.

    The other good thing is that, by what I’m reading, Wiley will not tolerate MUD (Multiple Username Disorder) hopefully blocked by IP address, so it will be harder for those trying to stir the pot to do it under bogus usernames.

    Just my 0.02… and impressions…. May be wrong, hope not.

  18. The real reason those engine threads get so out of control is because you have a few close minded people that come in and do nothing but talk crap about one brand. We know who those few people over there are.

    What these few knuckle heads can't grasp is that there is an engine to suite the needs of every boat and boater and no one engine fits every bill. But because the guy that hates a cirtain engine brand sees that an out of business magazine did a test years ago where one engine came in last he thinks its law and anyone that bought said engine can't possibly be happy with it.

    Then....when the owner of said engine posts his actual experience and results with the engine he is called a liar and a cultist. If everyone just sat back and compared notes from their ACTUAL experience instead of 5 year old he said she said nonsense there would be progress instead of multiple pages of "my Ford is better than your Chevy" and "my dad can beat up your dad" crap.

    I'm afraid that if we keep mentioning "him"... he will show up.... let's not jinxs ourselves and this forum..... :605_thumbs_up:

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