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Posts posted by jws

  1. Fortunately the real cops caught these guys. Thanks go to the neighbors who alerted the sheriff's office to come out.

    It is just another part of living near Miami and its large Cuban immigrant community. These thieves have knowledge of the coast of Cuba and the contacts there and in Miami to hookup for some big bucks by smuggling people. They also have no overhead other than loading up the stolen boats with drums of fuel. Pure crooks who don't even reinvest their profits into buying their own boats. Just go steal someone elses.

    They don't even care about their passengers. Some have suffered fatal injuries in rough crossings.

    These guys are pure scum. Wish we could send them to a Cuban jail for about 50 years.

    Last summer we had huge numbers of outboard thefts here in the Keys. Lower units were prime targets, especially those from v-6 Yamahas their favorites. One key tip for the cops is a Dade county license tag prowling a neighborhood, although most of the pro thiefs now buy the "vanity" plates that have no county origin. I called the cops twice last year for prowlers checking out my neighbors boats. The cops responded but not quick enough. The cops here do take that kind of thing seriously.

    My neighbor with a brand new 4 stroke 250 Yamaha left for a couple months last summer. He lowered his davits where there wasn't enough clearance for the lower unit to be dropped and then he removed the boat battery and turned the breaker off on his davits at the panel inside his house. No problems.

    There's plenty of low life immigrants in Dade county that want to immediately be wealthy off others hard work. They're not willing to work and be part of the legitimate hard working people who came here for the American dream.

  2. CG knew for certain they had the right guys. The engines ignitions were torn out where they hot wired it. These guys don't need keys.

    I have two neighbors here in the lower keys with trip engines. Both are part time residents and leave the boats on lifts. Keep wondering when or if they will get taken.

    That Yamaha security system should be popular in S. Florida.

  3. Mother Nature is in charge. Man poked the hole in her but she is in charge.

    This is a Humpty Dumpty story. All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together. Same thing happening here. No person, goverment or company can "fix" the damage. The "fix" does not exist.

    The ignorance and arrogance of man has no match in the natural world.

  4. Osprey, Thanks for the reply. Tried what you said and it gives a voltage reading at the "bus" connection under the menu heading NMEA. It lists the voltage 12.28.

    It appears that the voltage needs to be read by the engine interface in order to be displayed with other engine data on the 4 part (quad) screen I use to montior the engine.

    I have not been able to find anything in the instructions on how to transport the voltage reading from the NMEA information page to the pages getting data from the engine interface.

    For me the Lowrance instsructions leave a lot to be desired.

    Do you have a GPS module hooked to a LMF gauge? Any feedback would be appreciated.

    Thanks a lot and let me know if you have any ideas.

  5. Trying to get the lmf to give me a voltage reading from a Suzuki 115. Everything else works; temperature, trim, fuel burn, rpms.

    Also for those that have the GPS module hooked to the LMF gauge is it worth it? Pricing for the GPS module is now around $250 for a lgc-4000. Main advantage I see is the mpg numbers since I already have a GPS? Is that worth while for just 115 HP? Current GPS does NOT have the NMEA 2000 output.

    Thanks for any advice!

  6. Just joined the forum and deleted the Hull Truth from my favorites list.

    Had some free tickets to the MBS but didn't really want to drive up from the Keys. Easier to just check out Wiley's photos and let him get the sore knees from miles of walking. Thanks!

    I really believe the MBS and the new boat market is taking a hit by the number of used boats on the market.

    Down here in the Keys the shake out from the housing boom is taking its toll. Two home owners across the canal from me and one next door, all in the construction business have put up for sale signs. Interstingly enough all three bought high performance boats with triple engines. One Intrepid, one Contender and one Donzi. One is trying to sell the house with the entire package including the Contender and a Bay boat. Those guys didn't hit the show this year.

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