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Everything posted by welder

  1. Sweet, do I get a finders Fee ? Enjoy the new ride .
  2. We have now learned that COMPLETE DAILY BACKUP on your servers and at least one back up off site. GLAD to hear your OK , Drink one for me.
  3. No Overheat Alarms , bells whistles , anything? Is the pick up tube in your fuel tank in good shape? I have to ask , sorry, BUT is your primer bubble installed correctly ? Arrow towards motor and in a Vertical position ?
  4. What about Cape Horn Boats ? I don't think they have ever had a hull failure .
  5. Whereinthehellhaveyoubeen? Hope ALL is good with ya.
  6. I have to correct myself ... Hitler died on April 30th but was confirmed on May 1st
  7. WELL DONE , Very well done. I would like to watch the footage from the helmet cams on that one . Two Alpha Hotels can now share a anniversary: Adolf Hitler committed suicide by gunshot on 1st May 1945 in his Führerbunker in Berlin.
  8. Sans, which Parker did you ride on ? As some of there hulls are different .
  9. Big honking Diesel with a Jet Drive , I bet it sucks some fuel , but those RESCUE BOATS are run in what ever then need to be run in/on. If y'all would like to talk to a Rep. from the Company just let me know , he is a member of my forum . They do a bunch of beach launching down there and you should see some of their Trailers , the boats can be launched Bow first and while the boat is out they put the Trailer tongue on the other end to Recover the boat . They got their poop in a group down there for sure.
  10. OK, as most of you know I'm a ALLOY JUNKY .... Now If I couldn't get my grubby hands on a Plate Alloy boat my next choice is Glass but I would have to get a TANK that is easy on fuel. I don't need to go 80 mph but a good 25KT to 30KT kruz would work for me . I'm thinking PARKER 28 . Let's hear it .
  11. No Larry , it's simple , They take the abuse. As far as Temps, EVERYTHING adjusts to the ambient temperature while sitting . Now insulation values are different and alloy is a one of the better materials for transferring heat or cold and that is one of the reasons for using alloy for cylinder heads and what not. Also remember there is a difference in SHEET METAL BOATS and PLATE BOATS . most people and a lot of builders always think of Grandpas 12' aluminum skiff that was riveted together and in there minds THAT is how ALL Aluminum boats are, period. Hazards, it's obvious some of you have never spent time boating/fishing in the PNW , why do you think they use alloy almost exclusively now and it's not because it's cheaper to build with. If these work here is some rescue boats from AMF down in New Zealand http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBYsQvJbVfc
  12. Kerry, I agree with you on Alloy is not for everyone but if wood , cement, and glass were so tough don't you think the Military would be using it a little more of it instead of all the metal boats they use today? And FYI , everything you listed above sinks, some does it faster but they still sink [ Pieces of the above].
  13. BINGO, we ALL have something in common , BOATS, and they all serve a purpose for us . What we all need is three boats , that way we can pretty much cover all of our boating/fishing needs.
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