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Capt Rick Hiott

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Everything posted by Capt Rick Hiott

  1. Another thing I thought about is the oil drain holes in the heads. Have him remove the valve covers and look at them.
  2. Billin said "3) The oil level is too HIGH and the crank is aerating the oil into a froth." Im pretty sure they have a windage tray in the marine motors to stop that, plus it would take some hellacious RPM's to cause that. How often did he change the oil? It might be the pick-up tube thats in the bottom of the oil pan. It sounds like something is clogged? I have also seen where the pick-up tube angle is flat on the bottom of the pan,,, Some people weld them so they cant sink down all the way to the pan like this. Have the mechanic check the angle of the pick-up tube coming off of the oil pump. They do have a screen over them too. Another thing you can check is the bottom of the distributor. It drives the oil pump off of the cam shaft. Its very rare for it to go bad though. Ya gotta let us know what it was when you find out!
  3. If you have a "Prop-Shop" close by,,get some of the pitch taken out, or cut some of the length off of the blades............
  4. ,,,,,,,,Ethanol SUX!........................................That is most likely your problem. NEVER spray starting fluid or carb cleaner in a 2 stroke,,never! Use a fuel additive for ethanol before you go into the carbs, it will help a lot. You should also change your fuel filter.
  5. I use the Ugly Stick Custom inshore rods, http://www.shakespeare-fishing.com/index_rods.html and the Pflueger Medalist 7040 spinning reels with 20lb spiderwire braid. http://www.pfluegerfishing.com/products/products.php?p=10 This set-up will handle red drum up to 35" long with no problem.
  6. Hey D,,,,Lets start from the top. What kind of fishing are you doing? From a boat, pier or surf? And what kind of fish are you going after? Rear drag reels SUK!
  7. ,,,,,,,don't forget a circuit breaker and a battery switch. Its a must!
  8. I cant get HUGO out of my mind. That one tore Charleston UP! .......I dont even want to talk about a .......I dont even want to spell it. Somebody should delete this post.
  9. ,,,,"yall arent going to catch them and feed em out? " Hell no,,,Im gonna shoot them and feed ME!
  10. Nice fish!! And some good clean water. Remember,,,try not to show the back ground in your pictures. The fish might not be there the next time you come back.....................
  11. They dont move much when they are eating corn on the ground.......... this is funny!
  12. I have shot almost 1,000 rounds through my Glock model 21 (45cal) in the last two months and I think Im ready to get my first hog. Ive got a buddy that going to take me to his hunting club this Sunday afternoon for a shot at one. Ill try and take the camera with me up in the stand and get a picture of the hogs first,,before I knock one down with the Glock. Wish me luck...................... This was 50 shots at 15yds.
  13. If its a Sword boat,,,why do you need a Harpoon? Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha,,,,(I had to say that)
  14. What in the hell would you use it for????????????????????????
  15. I worked part time with our DNR here in SC one winter and the guys told me something like that could be caused from fertilizer run off??? Then I asked them about a simple birth defect,,,,,they said it was hard to tell............... I also caught a trout last fall that had a defect,,, they said the same thing??????? I send all of my pic's to them.
  16. Most of them look OK,,,But couldnt they show a better picture of the girls. The editor SUX! Alexandra Steele gets my vote (Weather Channel)
  17. I was looking at that company for some shirts myself. Do they do art work also? It looks like it. Ill tell'em I saw your post recommending them..............
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