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Hey Travis!

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I once had a guy who worked for me who felt picked on and persecuted in an unjustified manner. The truth of the matter was that he was roundly disliked due to the manner in which he treated the ppl with whom he was supposed to work. His condescending and generally-assholeish attitude, one wherein he projected an un-earned superiority to those with whom he interacted was the alpha and omega of his problem. The problem was that he refused to look in the mirror and consider that maybe, just mmaybe, it was the way he presented things that made him nearly universally despised by those around him. It was sad to see that it was his actions/words/attitude that ultimately made him useless to the company and I fired him. I pitied him in an odd way but, as is so often the case in these situations, he brought it on himself. At the end of the day, it was addition by subtraction...


I once knew of a guy, a short little bugger with a big mouth, his internet persona was such that one would think he was more successful than Bill Gates. He made tons of money in all his ventures, so he says, i.e,. commercial fishing, flying planes for the tuna fleet, he owned homes in various locales and even boasted that he 'owned' Key West. My town he chortled. Oh lest I forget he was one tough guy too because he swore like a longshoreman and called folks names from behind his PC. Alas a misled twerp with a Walter Mitty complex.

Then I knew another one. He had residences on all three coasts. He is the CEO of a major company (he says). He faces down police officers (he says). He wears size 13 shoes (he says) and so on and so forth. So yeah these two clowns are also roundly disliked and the only way they can be accepted (in their minds)is to paint themselves successful....on the internet. Sad fellows aren't they. B)

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